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ABC thoughts

Tutoring 7
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Idea 9
With news of the new ABC warriors game coming I thought I'd dust off my old foundry minis. With the volgan war I wS hoping for so e human troops like the ones from some of the older stories but that kooks unlikely. Hammerstein was a prototype fighting alongside humans until they mass produced the guys we see in the core box. They seem to be concentrating on more modern versions of the stories. With slaine I was hoping for cythrons but I doubt we will see anymore. My hope with the warriors is that it could lead to nemesis the warlock which 40k borrowed a lot from. Personally I'd like Bad Company in miniature form.With news of the new ABC warriors game coming I thought I'd dust off my old foundry minis. With the volgan war I wS hoping for so e human troops like the ones from some of the older stories but that kooks unlikely. Hammerstein was a prototype fighting alongside humans until they mass produced the guys we see in the core box. They seem to be concentrating on more modern versions of the stories. With slaine I was hoping for cythrons but I doubt we will see anymore. My hope with the warriors is that it could lead to nemesis the warlock which 40k borrowed a lot from. Personally I'd like Bad Company in miniature form.

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Cult of Games Member

these are so coooool, this is what I remember as a kid reading 2000AD. Well done

Cult of Games Member

LG Estrella’s two necromancer series

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