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O Group in 10mm

O Group in 10mm

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I started with one of Pendraken’s starter armies, but quickly realised I would need more to build the battalion. The starter pack included two Pak 36 anti-tank guns and crew, but I also picked up some Panzer IIs and some additional officers and radio operators to make up a Forward Observer team.

The infantry squads, anti-tank guns and panzers are all on 3cm x 4cm bases. The company commanders and forward observer are on 2cm x 3cm bases. The bases are all 2mm MDF from Warbases.

Pak 36 anti-tank gunsPak 36 anti-tank guns
Panzer IIsPanzer IIs
Forward Observer team. The text in the 1940 supplement for O Group describes these as have a transport, but doesn’t clarify the type. I’ve gone with a Kubelwagen on the basis that it is fairly unobtrusive.Forward Observer team. The text in the 1940 supplement for O Group describes these as have a transport, but doesn’t clarify the type. I’ve gone with a Kubelwagen on the basis that it is fairly unobtrusive.

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