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O Group in 10mm

O Group in 10mm

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As will be obvious from the thumbnail at the top of this blog, I’ve already made some progress before starting this project blog. So far I’ve painted up most of a German infantry battalion and a few supports. I’ve also got about half a battalion of BEF to oppose them. Before I go further I thought it would be helpful to explain a bit about what I’ve done so far.

Early War German infantry companyEarly War German infantry company

The standard German battalion is comprised of three infantry companies like the one above. Each company is comprised of three platoons (drei Zuege) of four squads. The formation is led by a company commander.

Early war German platoonEarly war German platoon

The image above is of an early war German platoon. In 1940 the Germans used square platoons made up of four squads. Later war platoons were made up of three squads.

I’m using Pendraken miniatures for this project. Although the number of poses for basic infantrymen is limited, you can generate variety in the appearance of individual squads by adding NCOs, light machine guns and anti-tank rifles.

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