The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.
Making Sense of Stormcast -1st Ogrion Warrior Horde
Hi everyone,
Just finished painting and basing up my first horde of Ogrion Warriors. These will be proxies for Ogre Warriors. I have to say I never liked the Stormcast Eternals and I bought them because they were dirt cheap (and I am a sucker for deals on miniatures). I also did not know what to do with them until now.
I think making them living statues is the best way to utilize them and I am quite happy with the speed I painted them up and the basic tabletop quality I have managed to get.
I just added some quick ‘energy’ effects and some quick fire effects on the blades, in order to break the monotony of the colour scheme.
I will base the Ogrions all as regiments. This will allow me to field them as regiments or Hordes and give me more tactical and strategic options.
I also decided to add dice frames on the back to track wounds and special effects like Crocodogs by using different coloured dice. I will do this for every regiment.
That is all for this week. Tomorrow I will start work on the next horde, probably the Ogrion Siege Breakers.
Until then stay safe and have fun.
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@sundancer thanks for the heads up!
run them as Ogre palace guard in a Basilean list
@avernos that is a good idea, I forgot that the Basileans have such troops.