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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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Home straight

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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home straight


noun: homestretch
  • the straight final stretch of a racecourse.
    • “he dominated the race in the home straight”
  • the last part of an activity or campaign.
    • “heading down the home stretch to Tuesday’s final”

Horrifyingly, it is only 44 days until the end of 2023.

You’re welcome.

For some reason this morning I decided to go through the various projects I’ve worked on this year and come up with a rough tally of how much I’ve painted. It is more than I thought but it is all over the place. In total I’ve painted models/terrain for 16 different projects this year. 16!?! And those are just the models I finished. I shudder even thinking about the abandoned ones. What I was struck by was that there are very few projects that are “completed”. I’d like to change that in the time remaining in 2023.

Children of the Hydra’s Teeth – This wasn’t a planned out project, it was a spur of the moment decision taken in the depths of grief and depression. It would be nice to finish it out before the year is done.

Nightstalkers – This was another army that came out of nowhere this year. I knew I would be painting a Kings of War army but that was meant to be my dwarves. As it is, I got a good deal back in late June and fell in love with the Nightstalkers. I got a 1000 point Ambush army painted but I still have a bunch of models from the army boxes unpainted. Goblin Gaming put some of the new miniatures from the range on sale at 35% off this week so I grabbed what they had (thankfully for my wallet and my sanity, it was only 3 or 4 boxes). I also have two extra units that can be printed thanks to the Mantic Vault but I’m not counting them for this, they don’t physically exist in my flat so they can wait until 2024.

If I manage all this, I’d love to pick up a hydra for my Hydra’s Teeth army to paint early in the new year… that’s how this works, right? Trish Carden has a great sculpt over at Footsore.

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Cult of Games Member

fantastic work on the projects your doing @gorram congratulations on the gold button.

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