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Blood Bowl - Old World Alliance

Blood Bowl - Old World Alliance

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A new team for 7s

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

My latest Blood Bowl project was prompted by our gaming club holding a special event for one of our regular members who genuinely has a passion for Blood Bowl. We decided to hold a Blood Bowl 7s event at one of our club sessions as a surprise for him.

Another motivation was that this same player has had some personal issues and has been generously gifting a whole host of his unused and unfinished gaming product to other club members and friends. As part of this I was generously gifted an assembled and part painted Old World Alliance team and wanted to enter these models in the event as a thank you.

For those that don’t know the Old World Alliance is a mixing pot of human, dwarf, ogre and halfling models. I started doing a bit of research on Blood Bowl 7s as I was new to it. The Bonehead Podcast on YouTube has some great videos on builds for each of the teams in 7s, and after a watch I knew I wanted to use as many of the races as possible in my team. Experimenting with a few builds I struggled to incorporate the halfling options while keeping to the team value for 7s, so sadly they had to stay on the bench.

I finally settled on a team that incorporated an Ogre, a Dwarf Slayer, A Dwarf Runner, a Human Blitzer and three Human Linemen.

The team was partially painted in a red and blue scheme so, to save time, I decided to build upon what had been done rather start from scratch. I decided to use Vallejo Model Color (VMC) Vermillion and Andrea Blue for my main uniform colours, painting all the armour panels in the red and the under shirts and pants in the Blue.

Below are the colour guides for each model. As usual all paints are VMC unless otherwise specified.

The Ogre

Shoulder pads, backplate, gutplate details, shoes, right arm bracer – Vermillion

Pants – Andrea Blue

Socks, belt, waist cloth, stripes on pants, straps, hand wraps, frills on shoulder plates – Deck Tan

Skin – Medium Fleshtone

Plasters on face – White Grey

Gutplate, clasps, other metal details – Black then Oily Steel

After base colours were done I covered the model in Citadel’s Agrax Earthshade.

I then painted the base top in VMC Olive Green and then liberally covered it in a sprinkling of mixed static grass.

I painted the base edge in Black and sealed the static grass with watered down PVA to prevent shedding.

These basing steps are shared across all models obviously.

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rickabod41leftnotrace Recent comment authors
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Nice piant job. I have Blood Bowl and bought the Sevens stuff, but only painted my core box so have four more teams unbuilt and unpainted. BB is one of those game where I love the theme, but I never play. It just seems like it would be so tedious to play at the table with figuring out the penalties to tackle zones for dodge, catch, throw etc. I do like the console version, even if the AI is crap, but the recent patch put a cap on money which means I can’t hire the star players anymore… and that… Read more »


Love it.

I love anything Blood Bowl – and I really like to see more project’s on here about it, so it’s nice to see someone else still so invested in the game.

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