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Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment
M14/41 tanks with the formation commanderM14/41 tanks with the formation commander

I finished the italian tanks of the Tobruk starter set leaving me with the two 88 and some printed recce vehicles to be done.


Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

The base colour is just sand airbrushed over an desert yellow rattle can primer followed by standard way of varnish, pinwash, chipping, details, dirt, metallics.

For the decals I decidet to not use the insignias of the Ariete division as little to no pictures of real tanks showed them.

Semovente self propelled gunsSemovente self propelled guns
Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

If I include the printed vehicles I can field the following 50p list.

HQ M14/41

4x M14/41

5x Semovente

2x 1 8.8cm gun

3x L6/40 recce tanks

3x AB41 armoured cars


I tested them last week and the game had a nice mad max feeling. Not much terrain, pretty aggressive, lots of somehow crappy vehicles.

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