Malifaux Title Masters
Von Schtook and Wong are up next! They are some of the weirdest masters in the game.
Wong doesn’t appear in the story much, but he did go on a little adventure to Kythera, the ruins of a mystical machine that opens a portal to the grave spirit (Eldrich god of death). So for his bases, I did them like a swamp, but with black water and these curves black spires that look like dead spider legs.
Von Schtook lives in the sewer, so I based him up on Wyrds plastic sewer bases. I actually already painted up some extras last time I worked on that crew, so they are all ready to go.
For the swamp bases, I started with an irregular patch of sand to leave space for water effects. I then broke up a toothpick and glued it back together at angles to make a curved shape.
I primed the base but then covered it in this jungle mix I made up. Its a combination of flock, sand, lots of old herbs from the spice cabinet, and broken up twigs. Its makes a pretty good natural ground covering.
I couldn’t really think of a way to split the difference between sewer and bayou easily. So I just took this base that I already painted, and changed the water to black. That ties it in a bit with Wong, I’m probably the only person who will even notice, but that’s all that matters.
Von Schtook was a fun paint job. He has a lot of variety to him with the zombie and the telescope. I used a lot of washed to dirty up the undead and the metallics, and then went over Schtook and highlighted him manually.
The backup assistant was pretty simple. He just got my standard Gremlin skin paintjob, and then a few colors and highlights on his clothes and box of junk.
Wong was also really fun to paint. Hes got these flowing blue robes, a silly moustache and a bag of magic (demons). Wyrd went really hard into the magical effects in the last few years of models, and they all look really cool.
After painting him, I did the covering on the base and sealed it down.
Another trio down. This was a fun one to work on. The bases weren’t as fun, but I had to run out of ideas for different basing schemes eventually, and resort to store bought stuff. I think those Wyrd bases are a little too cluttered for my taste, but I’m not gonna worry about it.
And now for some lore…
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