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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
This board is 3 foot by 2 foot. I’ve recieved wargames illustrated with the free ECW epic sprue from warlord. I bought one extra and a cannon sprue. Split the strips in half and am playing 28mm games using cm instead of inches. This board is now a 8x5 foot equivalent. I’m very surprised it has worked but I don’t know why I’m surprised. There is some kind of hobby mental block sometimes, I’ve gotta have x cos it’s official etc etc. you really don’t. I’ve made this in 3 evenings at about 1.5 hours an evening. The magazines, extra sprue and railway trees cost me £46 in total. That’s quite cheap compared to this in 28mm scale. We are having fun too. The icing on the cake is it only takes 10 minutes to set up or pack away. Not ages, so I can have a quick game on the fly of kings of war or hail Caesar or pike and shotte. Play through a scenario to see if it’s worth the effort setting it all up in 28mm for a wider audience. I think I will just spray them one colour. Blue team and red team kind of thing. This board is 3 foot by 2 foot. I’ve recieved wargames illustrated with the free ECW epic sprue from warlord. I bought one extra and a cannon sprue. Split the strips in half and am playing 28mm games using cm instead of inches. This board is now a 8x5 foot equivalent. I’m very surprised it has worked but I don’t know why I’m surprised. There is some kind of hobby mental block sometimes, I’ve gotta have x cos it’s official etc etc. you really don’t. I’ve made this in 3 evenings at about 1.5 hours an evening. The magazines, extra sprue and railway trees cost me £46 in total. That’s quite cheap compared to this in 28mm scale. We are having fun too. The icing on the cake is it only takes 10 minutes to set up or pack away. Not ages, so I can have a quick game on the fly of kings of war or hail Caesar or pike and shotte. Play through a scenario to see if it’s worth the effort setting it all up in 28mm for a wider audience. I think I will just spray them one colour. Blue team and red team kind of thing.

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Cult of Games Member

It looks like that princess on the other side of the table means business with her wand.

Great idea to use a scaled down game as a testing ground before committing to playing a scenario that doesn’t quite gel.

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