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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book thirty: chasms of malice

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Written by Luke Sharp this book seems to have a lot going for it. Cover by Les Edwards and interior art by Russ Nicholson two of the greats. Unfortunately I found the book rather dull and a little confusing and when I hit a maze section I rapidly lost interest. I hate mazes. We head off underground to stop the bady Orghuz from rising up with his hordes. Of course your the only one who can stop him as the only living descendant of a legendary hero. At the start of the book you work in the kitchen as third assistant rabbit skinner. Obviously you have the combat skills to fight through a chasm and win the dayWritten by Luke Sharp this book seems to have a lot going for it. Cover by Les Edwards and interior art by Russ Nicholson two of the greats. Unfortunately I found the book rather dull and a little confusing and when I hit a maze section I rapidly lost interest. I hate mazes. We head off underground to stop the bady Orghuz from rising up with his hordes. Of course your the only one who can stop him as the only living descendant of a legendary hero. At the start of the book you work in the kitchen as third assistant rabbit skinner. Obviously you have the combat skills to fight through a chasm and win the day
Always good to have a map but you spend all your time underground Always good to have a map but you spend all your time underground
Some additions to the adventure sheet. We have a cat that lives in our hood that helps us out. We also have sidekicks to the villain that can be found and killed Some additions to the adventure sheet. We have a cat that lives in our hood that helps us out. We also have sidekicks to the villain that can be found and killed
I love the detail of Nicholsons art and his warty orcs ang goblins are my favourite dort of gobo. I couldn't complete this adventure and I have to admit to giving as it didn't grab me despite the art.I love the detail of Nicholsons art and his warty orcs ang goblins are my favourite dort of gobo. I couldn't complete this adventure and I have to admit to giving as it didn't grab me despite the art.

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I remember the cover of this one, and little else!

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