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Secret Satan: Rancor

Secret Satan: Rancor

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Risks of resin

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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After I left the model for a couple of days on my shelf, waiting to find the right sized box to ship it, I noticed resin drooling out the Rancor’s mouth. I do put my prints in a UV curing booth but this particular model has a large cavity in its mouth which must have held a small puddle of uncured resin.


I wiped off the excess resin and then put the model back in the UV curing station, ensuring the open mouth faced the UV LED’s. A couple of runs later and now I’m confident the mouth doesn’t have any uncured resin in it.


Wiping off the resin did strip some of the paint though. A re-application of undercoat and a dab of contrast paints should have it looking good as new though.

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