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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Huzzah Squats on the horizon.

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Picked up a pack of metal space dwarfs at a the selwig show from the bring and buy. I belive these dudes were from a kickstarter from uscarl miniatures.

The sculpts are full of detail and really catch the old school vibe with the padded flack jackets and cool helmets.

Kind of want the models to be useful in 2nd edition 40k as well as 10th I’m trying to get 1500 points painted by the end of the month for an upcoming game at wayland, will have to see how it goes.

The dwarfs in exo armour are from scibor and make a rather swish command squad, the big dude in mech suit is from gudrun studio and be used as an ogryn body guard in this force


Huzzah Squats on the horizon.
Huzzah Squats on the horizon.

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