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Big Konrad

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

Right, so after my time away at the Full Beard Cup in Nottingham, I have now began work on painting the first of my Night Lord Busts.

So, this is the work in progress on Big Konrad.

I am using the standard formula that I used on my Konrad Curze Primarch model.

Undercoat of Chaos Black spray.

For the armour.

Kantor Blue. The trim is painted in Gehenna’s Gold (which rival’s Auric Armour Gold as the worst paint). Then I have blocked out the rib cage part and the various vents and exhausts of his power armour in leadbelcher.

The face.

Undercoat of Rakarth Flesh. Then I have ran magos purple mixed with with some contrast medium around his mouth, eyes, nose, and the various cuts and lines in his face.

I then highlighted the skin with Palid Wych Flesh.

The highlights were far to bright at this point, so I mixed up some Rakarth Flesh with some contrast medium and washed that all over his face.

From there we painted his eyes white. Ran some Nuln Oil gloss over them, then painted in his eyes pretty much just black. I wanted to leave a little bit of white around them, but that hasn’t worked.

I than ran some Drakehof Nightshade thinned down with water over the lower half of his face, and around the hair line.

For a final bit of colour, I ran some berserker blood shade around his lips, around his eyes, and on the tip of his nose – because for some reason the cover art of his Primarch book seems to have a bit of a red nose – which I just thought looked adorable!

Now, from a distance his face looks awesome, but up close the highlights are still to bright after all that correcting, so I am going to have to do something about that!

I think I am going to get some Rakarth Flesh and stipple it around the highlights to try and blend it in a bit more.

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Cult of Games Member

Beautiful miniature, great work.

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