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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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More furniture and citizens.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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It’s taken two days to post this update and even at that I’m having to go back in and edit the update.

I finished up all the 4Ground furniture I have and started on assembling a few more citizens for our town. The furniture can be just for atmosphere but a few pieces will have in game effects.

The saloon of course has a bar and that can provide cover during a shootout. The poker table and chairs could represent a densely packed area. So possibly treat it as rough terrain that slows you down?  There’s an upright piano in the saloon as well. Perhaps it gives a morale boost as long as the piano player isn’t interrupted?

The Sheriff’s office got a simple table and chair and a stove. The stovepipe exits the roof so I can envision a scenario where someone climbs into the roof of the jail and blocks up the pipe in an effort to smoke out the deputies.

The safe can go anywhere but will probably go in the assayers office to guard the gold dust. It’ll probably just wind up being an objective piece.

As for the coffin, that’s mostly just for atmosphere. But it should make players nervous if it’s always leaning up against the doctors office.

The new citizens are, left to right, a doctor, a politician, a prisoner, a preacher and a laborer.

I also got three riderless horses. They are simultaneously terrain, objectives and of course characters in their own right.

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Cult of Games Member

A piano player morale boost is a great idea. Such a thing was great at the El Sleazo cafe in ‘The Muppet Movie’

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