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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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Found My Bases

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I found the Litko bases I had picked up at a convention ages ago.  They are smaller than my memory said they were which is why I never fully trust what it has to say.  The biggest three will work fine but I’m not sure of the smaller ones.  Perhaps some groupings of the medium to small plants mixed with rocks or other terrain bits.  I have to admit I am a little overwhelmed at how many pieces came in a Kickstart Crate.  While I have come to expect a massive pile of tiny plastic bits from Mantic’s campaigns, when it is all interchangeable and interlocking it somehow seems like even more.  After all the “trees” I’ve assembled so far I still have about a third of the crate left, enough to make nine or ten more.  That will be quite a toxic jungle on the table.  Good thing I have one more unopened forest crate to build even more of them.


I finished painting the first group I had built and primed. They have been sealed and are now waiting to be glued to their own bases.

Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases
Found My Bases

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