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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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When the advertising works

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5

On the 3rd of November I was coming to OTT for my usual early morning browse. I hadn’t signed in yet so got extra banner adverts including this one:

When the advertising works

It’s not often I click on a banner ad but this one was too much not to. Within five minutes I had signed up to the Warp Miniatures Patreon, waiting patiently (mostly) for the email link to the models, and promptly throwing out all my hobby plans for the weekend. By the time the files arrived on Saturday morning, I had already cracked open a new bottle of resin and run a calibration test.

Now the sensible thing to do would have been to load up a print bed with one of every model, print it at my best setting and just pain those. Rarely when it comes to hobby do I take the sensible road though so instead I made a bed full of each troop type (spear, bow, club and frogs) plus an extra bed of heroes and some extra infantry to mount on the frogs.

Being impatient and still slightly trying to fool myself that this was a minor distraction and definitely not a new project, I set each to print with a bigger layer height than I have for other minis I’ve printed (0.05mm instead of 0.02 or 0.03). In some places this is really obvious, in others less so but overall I’m happy enough with them.

As this is definitely not a new project, I just grabbed some 2mm thick 20x20mm mdf bases from my stash and some of the plastic Kings of War regiment/horde trays to put them of for easier handling. A quick prime with the end of a can of black from Colour Forge and I got started on base colours for my unit of archers.

When the advertising works
  • Robes – Vallejo Prussian blue
  • Hat – Citadel Mephiston Red
  • Skin – Citadel Kislev flesh
  • Beards and arrow flights – Citadel White Scar

Because I was working up from a black prime, a couple of coats were needed but the minis are pretty small so no one colour took too long to apply. Tomorrow morning I’ll try and get the last colour and a wash down before I head out to work.

When the advertising works

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Cult of Games Member

You are sure it was the add and not @brennon well written article on that same subject? 😉


Already amazing haha

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