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Xenos Rampant

Xenos Rampant

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Batle Report - first playtest, Initial deployment and turn 1

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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We’ve played Rampant games before so are familiar with the general mechanics but this was our first time through with the Xenos version.  I had the Silent City board set up after the Terrainfest so we used that.

After rolling for scenario we got Kilo: VIP Extraction.  In this scenario an Attacker, who gets the first activation, tries to retrieve an objective from the centre of the board.  The defender tries to stop them, usually by retrieving the objective themselves.  We’ll be playing with the two factions we have, Cultists (attacker) versus Enforcers (defenders).  Rather than a VIP we’ll be using the broken robot as the objective.  Victory points – each destroyed or routed unit is worth 1 VP, leaving with the robot from your table edge is worth 5VP.

Here is the table before we started.  The Enforces chose to enter from the left, the Cultists will come in from the right.  The objective was placed at the foot of the big tower in the middle.

Batle Report - first playtest, Initial deployment and turn 1

Here’s my Cultists’ first move – sprinting forward from their deployment zone down the alleys between the houses, assault squad on the left, assassins on the right and the main squad of 10 in the middle with the brutal leader and bodyguard immediately behind.

Batle Report - first playtest, Initial deployment and turn 1

The heavy support unit started on the extreme left on the battlements with a good view across the central marketplace.  My opponent’s hand is where their commander initially deployed.

Batle Report - first playtest, Initial deployment and turn 1

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