144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate
Terrain Crate 3 Has Arrived and is Getting Color
For those who didn’t follow October’s Terrain Challenge, I received my rewards from the third Mantic Terrain Crate Kickstart. There were three different sets available but as I have lots of alien ruins and plenty of battle torn town stuff I only opted for the Fungus Forest. Of course I “needed” two sets as one would just not do for a terrain glutton such as myself.
I love the grey plastic everything is cast in. I believe it is the same as Reaper’s Bones Black miniatures are cast in. It holds detail well and is much less flexible than the earlier pieces. I foresee less of the bendy bits we found in TC1.
@144artist You remain the “Master of Terrain” ????
And you remain an incredibly supportive fellow crafter! Thank you so much.