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From Role Play to 40K

From Role Play to 40K

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Finished Kitbashing

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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8 Kitbashed Characters8 Kitbashed Characters

Now that the characters are assembled I’m going to try and get some paint on them. Going to aim for a table ready standard but some might just get a base coat and wash. It depends on how much I can do before my son’s birthday. (They are one of his birthday presents) Then once he’s ready / can be bothered. he can finish off the painting.

Once he gets his hands on them I will discover how well I glued and pinned all the bits together!?

I must admit I’m not looking forward to painting space marines. Although it should make them look more complete.

It’s also going to be a bit of a challenge painting them in the car on my lunch break.



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