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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Coaches, Cacti and Stairs

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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After painting the sand Desert Yellow, I dry brushed it with Skeleton Bone. The stairs are now done which finished off the Dentist’s Office After painting the sand Desert Yellow, I dry brushed it with Skeleton Bone. The stairs are now done which finished off the Dentist’s Office
Our town so far. Back right corner is where our new Dentist’s office is. Our town so far. Back right corner is where our new Dentist’s office is.
I filled in the recess bases with a basing compound. I’ll add some ground work once it dries. I filled in the recess bases with a basing compound. I’ll add some ground work once it dries.
Stage coach in three parts, undercarriage, body and roof. I used Army Painter Fur Brown for the interior and Dragon Red for the exterior of the body. Both were sprayed on while the parts were still on the MDF sprue. Stage coach in three parts, undercarriage, body and roof. I used Army Painter Fur Brown for the interior and Dragon Red for the exterior of the body. Both were sprayed on while the parts were still on the MDF sprue.

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