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Port Blacksand

Port Blacksand

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Can't see the woods for the trees

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 12

I was hoping to get a lot more ‘scratch building’ elements done for this project by now and finally, the Proxxon hot wire cutter I ordered arrived from Germany.  The plan is to build raised foam blocks and carve brickwork into them to blend them into the bases of the buildings.  I can then add stairways leading up to different levels to add an extra dimension.

I also have more natural elements to add, trees, plants, and the like.  Not only for the garden district but also to incorporate amongst the buildings.  From there it would be a natural progression to add countryside on the side of the bridge that does not have the city entrance.

Can't see the woods for the trees

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Cult of Games Member

Hope you are happy now @sundancer, you bully. XD

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