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The Silent City

The Silent City

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Finished buildings - Fogou!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Here are the Mudstarter 2 buildings in their finished state.

Finished buildings - Fogou!

The set came with loads of scatter bits too.  Here are some extra walls, an oven and the well.  The Black 3.0 paint again here helps to make it look bottomless.  There are two other resin staircases here from an unknown supplier, they were with the mdf buildings auction lot.

Finished buildings - Fogou!

Here’s an interesting effect.  The spray paint isn’t intended for miniatures and something about the formulation didn’t like the Fogou resin.  Some time after it dried it started to crack.  You can see the effect on this roof but it happened on all of the buildings.  I like it.  A happy accident then 🙂

Finished buildings - Fogou!

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