Return to the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn
The Vharngate - Completed (for now) Part II
The Vharngate – Completed (for now)
We are at the end of the month and the end of the Terrainfest and for now the Vharngate location is completed. I did have a few additional things I wanted to add such as some banners but in terms of a gaming table we have one.
The core of the map features the the wall and the Vharngate itself protected by the skeleton guards. Behind it we have a ruined barracks of the skeleton guards. On the other side we have a location of ruins, houses and small chapel with grave yard.
The project is not finished but its time to play some games on the map and take a little break or at least slow down on the terrain.
2024-06-25 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!