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TerrainFest Tower! (that's been gathering dust for too long)

TerrainFest Tower! (that's been gathering dust for too long)

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I got this finished up tonight.

Really happy with how this has turned out.

A few pictures below of individual shacks and the tower as a whole.


Shack 1Shack 1
Shack 2Shack 2
Shack 3Shack 3
Shack 4Shack 4
Fogou towerFogou tower
Fogou tower 2Fogou tower 2

A bit of information on how I painted these up.

I undercoated everything with a Leadblecher spray.

Next to be applied was some chipping medium.

The corrugated sheets I painted with a Wolf grey, Bonewhite and scarlet red.

The metal plates were done in a necromancer grey.


I then wet the outer layer of paint to activate the chipping medium. I worked some of the outer layer off with a stiff brush.

I liberally applied orange rust with a dappling effect and some with dry brush.

Graffiti was just painted on with a brush and green ink used on some of it.

I used some Agrax earthshade to dirty things up a bit 🙂


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