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Malifaux from the Ground, up!

Malifaux from the Ground, up!

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24 Oct 23: ...I probably should have painted that first

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I started adding to the bases, without painting them. Clearly not thinking. I started adding to the bases, without painting them. Clearly not thinking.

So I started adding more detail to the base. Using watered down PVA, used tea leaves and coffee grounds.

But I’m not really sure what I was thinking not painting the bases first.

But anyway, you get the idea:

The tea leaves and coffee grounds looked OK, but needed something else. I’d applied them separately, and the coffee behaved strangely, clumping up.

I mixed together some of the coffee, tea and dried mixed herbs. Then applied this to the bases of the trees.

Roughly equally amounts used tea leaves, spent coffee grinds, dried mixed herbsRoughly equally amounts used tea leaves, spent coffee grinds, dried mixed herbs
Looks like piles of leaf litter around the tree, I guess.Looks like piles of leaf litter around the tree, I guess.

I painted the base pieces with the Burnt Umber, thinning the paint and only hitting the areas where white or grey showed through. I let it dry and did a second coat the next day.

25 Oct 23: Working backwards, now I apply the paint to the bases. After a second coat, it's looking good. I then applied the 25 Oct 23: Working backwards, now I apply the paint to the bases. After a second coat, it's looking good. I then applied the "forest floor mix" with thinned PVA
And on the mat the look like this!And on the mat the look like this!

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Cult of Games Member

I love how you integrated the deployment zones, really well done. So much cooler than the lined matts we all use haha

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