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Adventures through history

Adventures through history

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The Start

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 6
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2024 is going to be the year of Historical gaming for me with 3 games in the pipeline, all along a similar theme. 02 Hundred Hours, Test of Honour, and Mortal Gods. With that being said it, means I need to finish off some works in progress.

Model-wise we have some mostly finished Afrika Korp with dual purpose for 02 Hundred and Bolt action. These are not that far from being complete. And then we have some SAS that need the full work to get table ready.

2nd up we have a bunch of Athenians in various states of build:

Finally, for the models we have a Samurai warband, that has yet to even leave its box for Test of Honour.

In addition to all of this, plans have been drawn up to get a new 3×3 board ready to be used with all these games along with all the terrain needed for these games. A pasting table has been acquired in order to turn it into a new table, and work has just started on some basic terrain.

Let’s see how we get on

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