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Making a river (for games like SAGA for example)

Making a river (for games like SAGA for example)

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Step 5: Water effects

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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I taped the ends of the river sections with ordinary masking tape to prevent the water effect to flow off the ends.

I then mixed a few drops of Woodland scenics Moss green water tint in with the water effect in a plastic cup. After carefully stirring the water tint a poured the slightly green water effect on the river sections. It was a bit of a challenge to prevent the water to flow over the banks and it got a bit messy. I think however the result came out ok.

Here are alle the river sections with the water effectHere are alle the river sections with the water effect
Closeup after one layer of water effect after it had dried overnightCloseup after one layer of water effect after it had dried overnight

I let the river sections dry overnight. Then I removed all the tape and cleaned up a little with a sharp knife.

The next step was to add ripples. I considered pouring a second layer of water effect before the ripple effects but as time is not on my side I opted against it and went straight for the ripple effect.

I squized out three lines from the woodland scenics ripple effect tube and spread it out with a paint brush.I squized out three lines from the woodland scenics ripple effect tube and spread it out with a paint brush.
I had no plan when I was spreading the ripple effect just random patternsI had no plan when I was spreading the ripple effect just random patterns

Now I just need to let everything dry overnight again and hopefully I will have time to add some grass to the banks and take some final photos before Terrainfest is over tomorrow

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