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Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

Battletech terrainfest2023 turns into spring clean challenge 2024

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A splash of colour

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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An aircraft control tower and 3 hangarsAn aircraft control tower and 3 hangars

After the initial dry brushing I tried to keep things easy and achievable for even the basic beginner. The key to achieving this was the use of contrast paints and regularly available materials nothing fancy.

As you can see an even covering of flock was used within the roof panels to try and hide the building and fit in with other buildings I have. Once dry I used a rust weathering powder applied with a wedge shaped make up brush which was nice and soft to give the building a weathered look.

The hanger doors are a single coat of any contrast you fancy nothing difficult the windows given a shot of black

I still have some grit to apply to the visible hex bases but for now it’s 99% of the way done

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