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TerrainFest Tower! (that's been gathering dust for too long)

TerrainFest Tower! (that's been gathering dust for too long)

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Sometimes you get things wrong

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Although my first shack doesn’t look too bad, I don’t think it looks quite right.

As the title of this entry suggests, this happens sometimes (more often than you think)

Things that I don’t like are, it looks too patchwork-ey. The rust isn’t quite right on the lighter panels  and the chipping has not worked as I thought it would.


  • Going forward I’ve taken it down to 3 colours on each shack, leaving out the dark red.
  • The rust, I’m going to think on, maybe an even dryer dry brush is required.
  • The chipping medium was perhaps applied a little thickly and perhaps needs activating soon after applying an overlayer.

Lets see if things can be improved!!

Tower progressTower progress

Sooooo –

I think they defiantly look better with 3 colours only.

I’m going to leave the one that I did with red as it is as I don’t think it looks over the top in the middle of the tower.

The chipping, I am really happy with this time. Adding less medium worked and also activating it with a fresh top layer helped too.

Some rusting and weathering to do tonight 🙂

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