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Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

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More magnetic plants!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

One minor flaw in the number of ground base parts supplied is that when you use all of them, you can’t build too many tall plants before you end up with empty spaces. This could easily represent plants that have been cut down by the local villagers/xenos. But this is me, and I like to do things as complete as possible.

Ripping apart some of the cheap plastic plants from Temu (see earlier posts), I glued them back together and filled the trunk so I could add a magnet at the end.

They’ll get painted up accordingly (at least the trunk will) and allow me to easily build tall trees and fill in gaps along the way.

More magnetic plants!
More magnetic plants!

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Cult of Games Member

Very cool work!

Cult of Games Member

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