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RoSD: The Bridge Guards

RoSD: The Bridge Guards

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Small Camp

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The next items that I need are for ‘the small camp’. This time a sprue from Dungeons and Lasers ‘The Elven Woods’ came to the rescue. It had a couple of tents, a camp fire and various other bit and pieces that would be found on a jolly outing to the countryside.

I’ve assembled and speed painted the two tents, the campfire and what looks like a washing line.

A small campA small camp

I think with the deadline approaching I may have to forget about assembling some of the trees from this set, and fall back on some 3D printed trees that I already own to fulfil the needs of this scenario.
Hopefully I can get the kids to pay it out on Sunday in time to write a battle report for the end of the month.

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