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RoSD: The Bridge Guards

RoSD: The Bridge Guards

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Land of the Giants

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

I decided that the ‘large rocks’ mentioned in the scenario description would be the ruined statues and temple from the ‘Land of the Giants’ Dungeons and Laser set.

Not wanting generic grey stone, I opted to try to recreate a red sandstone. Unfortunately the Colour Forge ‘Runious Red’ spray that I chose came out of the can a lot brighter than the label.

My eyes!My eyes!

Nothing that a drybrushing of hobby store Yellow Ochre couldn’t fix, applied via the medium of child labour.

First drybrushing lessionFirst drybrushing lession
Much betterMuch better

The results were good, but still a little too bright for me, so I applied a wash of diluted hobby store Burnt Umber to tone it down a bit.

After washingAfter washing

Which only left the vines that are on a handful of the pieces needing to be picked out, which I did with some Vallejo dark green.

Now with added creeping vinesNow with added creeping vines

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sundancerdammitprawn Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Damn! They look really good. I like the effect you’ve achieved there…consider that method yoinked.

Cult of Games Member

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