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Port Blacksand

Port Blacksand

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Market Square

Tutoring 11
Skill 14
Idea 16
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Every city needs a market square so that adventurers can stock up on provisions.   I figured it would also be a good place for a bell tower too.

The market stalls still have work to go on them.  I need to fashion some tops for them and paint up all the details.  I think for the tops I will use balsa and cloth for the most part.   The various wares will all be loose so I can swap them around for variety.   The ‘free range’ chickens and pigs will have to have bases I guess, especially the chickens because they don’t stand up too well on their own.

The Bell in the tower is resin and needs to be painted and I may add doors to the tower, or maybe not.

I have a Tavern on the go at the moment.  It’s still in pieces at the moment and I am toying with the idea of adding to it or just going with how it is.   I guess I can do more buildings and see how they look with the tavern and if I don’t like them, I can turn them into a separate row of buildings.

I Still have the gardens to do and the topiary that could attack anyone who attempts to take the lotus flower in the middle of the garden.

There is probably loads more to add if I put my mind to it.



Market Square
Market Square
Market Square

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Cult of Games Member

I absolutely love a chunky castle town, can’t wait to see the full spread

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