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The Nice Inn - Bringing DnD to the Tabletop

The Nice Inn - Bringing DnD to the Tabletop

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Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

So on to the detailing. I have decided that I will up the level of detail on this model.

So what will this include

  1. Adding wooden frame to the building
  2. Interior walls
  3. Stairs
  4. A bar
  5. The doors
  6. The windows
  7. The Inn Sign
  8. Thatched roof ( this will be covered in a separate post)

The wooden frame

Although I have carved the details of the frame into the foam core, it lacks a bit of dimension. So I have decided to start adding the framework of the building using 5mm wide coffee stirrers picked up cheap from and online store.

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Cult of Games Member

A great project. I am really enjoying the progress and read. I have just bought an affordable foam cutting board of Aliexpress and I hope to get to do something with it soon. Can wait to see this project finished – a great piece to play roleplaying games incorrectly ?.

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