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Collins does the defence of Minas Tirith

Collins does the defence of Minas Tirith

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Use what you have

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Use what you have

I have a half box of trees left over and a few bags of ground scatter in the box of stuff.

no point going and buying specific stuff when this is a quick get it done section of the project.

So the trees were superglued down where they looked good with half an eye on not blocking line of sight too much so not to affect the benefits the elevation can give in gameplay.

Use what you have

The ground scatter I selected from my box of random hobby stuff was Tiaga Hillside. it kinda struck me as the most New Zealand like bag I had with the little brown pebbles that stick out very much like you can see in the wild in NZ (from my memory at least)

I went quite heavy on the PVA to make sure there was enough to grab the different grades of sands and that way I potentially wouldn’t need to go back over it with a Water/PVA/Varnish mix. trying to save time and utilise the drying/down time as best as possible for me.

Below is a photo taken whilst they’re still wet to see how they look early on

Use what you have

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