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Making a river (for games like SAGA for example)

Making a river (for games like SAGA for example)

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So it begins

Tutoring 12
Skill 10
Idea 13
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So, I set out searching the world wide web for tips on how to do it. It turns out that a fellow Scandiwegian (Swedish I believe) had made a great tutorial that I shamelessly tried to copy as it look very good, quite simple and I had most of the materials laying around. Search on youtube for Devs & Dice with the
video Modular River Tiles for Wargaming and Tabletop Terrain. He has lots of great tutorials. In fact you should just go watch how he did it: Link HERE 

For those of you that will have a look at my version can keep reading. The only changes I was planning was using a slightly thicker plasticard and a different color scheme and maybe some other materials etc.

The Plan: I will make a river that is about 120cm long (around 4 feet or 0,656 fathom) so across a typical board game. The river will be made from 30cm sections, and maybe some smaller turn/bends. I will make the river sections around 6-8 cm across. I believe they then can be used for most scales
and I can get two sections out of every sheet of plasticard. I game mainly in 15 and 28mm (for now, even though my recent gaming has a downward scale creep).
I will make a couple of fords/crossing sections and maybe (at a later stage) a bridge section.

What I need for the projectWhat I need for the project

The materials/tools:
-1 mm thick plasticard (from Green Stuff World) they come in A4 size (30x20x1)
– Sand
– Small pebbles (I have a big bag that I bought from a pet store for aquariums)
– Super glue (I will be using super glue gel with brush applicator aswell as very liquid super glue from
dropper bottle)
– Terrain glue (from woodland scenic – I think this will be optional)
– Pencil
– Sharp knife (X-acto type knife)
– Paint
– Woodland scenic water effects (or similar product)

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