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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Saloon Pt 4

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

I’m a glutton for punishment. I’ve decided to wallpaper the three rooms on the second floor.

After cutting the paper roughly to shape and gluing it place, I trimmed it by using a file. After cutting the paper roughly to shape and gluing it place, I trimmed it by using a file.
Three rooms, three different wallpapers. The back wall on the riight will also get painted the same color as the rest of the hallway. Three rooms, three different wallpapers. The back wall on the riight will also get painted the same color as the rest of the hallway.
I masked the front walls to get a nice straight line and then painted the upper part of the false front the standard wood color I’ve used throughout the project. I masked the front walls to get a nice straight line and then painted the upper part of the false front the standard wood color I’ve used throughout the project.
Not being completely insane, I’m going to paint the lower wall rather than try to wallpaper them. Not being completely insane, I’m going to paint the lower wall rather than try to wallpaper them.

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I witness this level of effort and approve. We aren’t insane, just detail oriented.

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