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Coral Reef Underwater Terrain Board

Coral Reef Underwater Terrain Board

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Step One: The Board

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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To start my project, I got a 2’x2′ foam board to represent a section of ocean floor.  In order to replicate the sandy ridges one finds in such terrain, I picked up a set of cake fondant decoration tools from my local dollar store.  The idea was to use the large round-ended tool to ‘smoosh’ down the foam in sandy edges using the larger ‘ball-end.’  Ahem.

Once this was done in a few spots, I used the smaller end to dig in under the dge in an attempt to give more depth to one side of the ridge, giving more of an ide of depth.  How well this worked I leave to the viewer.


I then painted a healthy mixture of white glue and water, and sprinkled decorative sand all over.  Alas, the sand I had was pink, too similar to the foam itself to show well in photos.


After allowing for copious drying time, I sealed the edges with more white glue and sprayed the whole thing in a suitably oceanic tone.  The eventual plan is to paint wavy lines over the surface to try and replicate the patterns made by light filtering through the ocean above.

But this is as far as I have gotten so far.

Step One: The Board

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