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Oldhammer Lustria

Oldhammer Lustria

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Starting The Spawning Pool

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Onto some of the final pieces now. If his bolt throwers get hills then my skinks get some pools. So lets start with the spawning pool. This was constructed out of XPS foam bricks, hot glued together and fixed to some PVC foam sheet. All of the XPS foam was then coated in a mixture of Mod Podge and black paint. After bevelling the base, it was painted and flocked the same as the previous pieces. The stone of the pool followed the same painting steps as the pyramid and I simply painted the bottom of the pool black.

To create reeds; I hot glued to the inside of the pool some of the same brush fibres I used for of the trees.

To finish off this step I poured the first resin layer, making sure the table was level.

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