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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Saloon Pt 3

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
Windows all finished. I’ll need to do a few touch ups on the paint but the first floor is done. Windows all finished. I’ll need to do a few touch ups on the paint but the first floor is done.
Just a quick mock up showing the second floor balcony relative to the exterior walls of the second floor. Just a quick mock up showing the second floor balcony relative to the exterior walls of the second floor.
Interior detail of the second floor with the roof removed. Interior detail of the second floor with the roof removed.
This angle shows the roof in place and the false frontage making the building look like it has a third floor. This angle shows the roof in place and the false frontage making the building look like it has a third floor.

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Cult of Games Member

False frontage!?! Who would dare such a thing?

I applaud the whole boomtown that has sprung up. Good stuff to follow and watch develop.

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