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Seldon9 is Painting Dropfleet Commander Again

Seldon9 is Painting Dropfleet Commander Again

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Completing the Kickstarter

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I bought every faction available for the Kickstarter. In addition I bought a battleship and a set of corvettes.

By the start of this project the only one of those fleets I hadn’t completed were the PHR. I was going to demo this force to a friend so I decided to try and finish it quickly.

The ships were primed white to make painting the smooth, off white hulls easier.

Main hull colour: Vallejo Deck Tan

Weapons and the rest of the hull: basecoated black. Progressifve drybrushes of Vallejo Metal Colour Steel, Silver and Chrome.

Blue light / energy colour: basecoated white then tinted with Badger Minitaire Plasma Fluid.

Completing the Kickstarter
Completing the Kickstarter

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