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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Operative Umbral-Six

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This model isn’t really part of this project, but I needed something to do while I waited for parts to arrive so I could fix my 3D printer.


This is the Warhammer+ subscription model from the first year.


The stone and assassin were all painted rakarth flesh. I then applied splotches of watered down skavenblight dinge followed by splotches of 1:1 rakarth flesh and white scar, again diluted down. Once all the paints were dried I used gold ball point gel pen to apply lines, trying to follow the borders between the colours already applied. I was trying to achieve a marble effect like I show below.

Operative Umbral-Six

The metal statue halo painted balthazar gold and washed reikland fleshsade.


The metal girders were painted leadbelcher and washed nuln oil.

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