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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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The Cult Starter Set: Umeka

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7

Umeka is a lovely lady who’s preferred weapon of choice is a pair of scissors. I assume that she likes to deliver these to the kidneys from behind. In game, she’s cheap and has the Assassin skill which gives her a boost to damage when attacking from outside of an enemy’s line of site. She also has a Ki feat that allows her to debuff enemy models making attacks against them deliver more damage. So handy to have loitering around on the sides waiting for the chance to sneak in and shank someone.

For the painting, I wanted to give her a colourful feel and opted for a deep sea blue for the coat. I opted for purple for the inner lining as this is my choice of faction colour to tie all of the models together. Both of these colours I’ve applied the base colour and then mixed up lighter and darker versions using an off-white and dark brown. This was then applied in glazes. The blue undercloth was a mix of different shades of blue, glazed on to create the highlights.

The white sash is luftwaffe grey and off white mixed together in differing amounts to create the shadow. Same for the stockings.

The hat is Iraqi sand given a wash and then a very careful picking out of the higher areas. Off white completed the ribbon in the hat.

Leg bindings are flat earth and then highlighted with light brown.

I wanted to give Umeka a sinister look, so decided to only paint the lower half of her face. The top half and the underside of the hat got painted black. I picked out the lips in a blood red to really emphasise the look.

The metal work was either viking gold or a polished metal.

In addition to the purple colour, all of my Cult figures will get the same base of a dry earth acrylic paste. This is given a brown wash and then I’ve applied some dead grass in patches.

And that’s my second model of the starter set finished.

The Cult Starter Set: Umeka
The Cult Starter Set: Umeka
The Cult Starter Set: Umeka
My attempt at a sinister faceMy attempt at a sinister face

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Cult of Games Member

Why does she have a taco on her face? XD Nice paint job

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