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Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

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"Just a gentle push" or "This is Sparta!"

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

We can only imagine the furry faced Gerry from on high speaking the words “Get on with it!” as in a certain legendary work of comedy, or atleast he does when he’s done with his beer and football after the UHH, when giving his ‘gentle nudges’ to various community members to work on their projects. In that vein I will give spring and summer a miss and go straight for this addition to the project.


And now the mature part of the post…

Historically Inaccurate Hollywood Hindus?

I admit historical inaccuracy in my force. The timeline does not work according to fact and I withdraw my thought of absolutely gaming in the gaps. As such I will let loose and go further in my embrace of the ludicrous. What Hollywood did for imperial Romans and ancient Egyptians I will dive headlong into the insanity which is Bollywood. I turn to the spectacle entitled “Baahubali” and bring in over the top visuals for reference.

As much as I love to be more serious I did watch this Indian fantasy which has moved me toward being less so. The prime quality cheese with a high end production value has made me decide I need to go further afield in my vision.

A marilithA marilith

In the vein of continuous tinkering with the idea mine and coming up with unique and interesting things I have stayed with the Harryhousen motif as I do the last model of the Arabian Knights (really, for real, it WILL actually be finished). So I did a bit of a switch with the statuary previously shown of Kali and took another cue from ‘The 7th Voyage of Sinbad’ to use the snake woman as a monster addition if desired. The model has already been printed and is being shipped.

Something unexpected happened

Developing a case of elephantiassisDeveloping a case of elephantiassis

So I decided to look again over the army build that I’ve planned for some Indians that will use Blitzkrieg minis. Well, they updated their ranges and have more figures available. Apparently I’ve only looked at the Classical Indians and they have true Medieval Indians to work with. Needless to say I sat and did a plan for the cost of a build and the disturbance to my constitution nearly touched cloth (a fancy way of saying I almost pooped myself).

It seems I may do a double build of this and will still grab a carved Kali to differentiate the armies. This matter also seems to be an issue I have for another army build for the future.

In looking ahead to Future Me it seems as though Mr. Soule might have been onto something as far as the path to better painting could be in the process of practice in repetition.

As a side note, as of the writing of this post, I’ve found a 3D sculptor who has done tiger mounts for their range on Myminifactory and have asked about getting some done up in running poses. I could have some updates to something along those fantastic lines I talked about.

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Cult of Games Member

Great to see another Indian project,vi have been deep into looking at the historical side of India for a couple of years, although I am working on it in 15mm. I have come to the conclusion that the beauty of Indian Armies is that you can use the same force pretty much from the Vedic period right though to the Raj with only a few tweaks.

Which reminds me I have to update my project blog ?

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