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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Saloon Pt 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
The walls are in place and now I need to frame out all the windows. The walls are in place and now I need to frame out all the windows.
Second floor and balcony mocked up to show the next stage Second floor and balcony mocked up to show the next stage
Rough mockup of second floor bedrooms and hallway. One room will have doors opening directly onto the balcony. Rough mockup of second floor bedrooms and hallway. One room will have doors opening directly onto the balcony.

I finished up the water trough by using some Army Painter Desert Yellow on the sand then dry brushed it with Skeleton Bone.

Working on the theory that water would encourage plants to grow but that horses would eat anything they could reach I had to figure out where they’d survive. I figured the horses would be hitched so they could drink the water. Based on that, it seems logical that the hitching post would be behind the trough. This would still allow the horses to drink but it would be difficult for the hoses to eat any of the vegetation on the far side of the trough.

In our little frontier town, it would probably be one of the Sheriff’s responsibilities to ensure the town’s water troughs were full.

Might need to get a hand pump for this.

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