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The Doomed Warband: Inheritor Courts

The Doomed Warband: Inheritor Courts

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Skill 11
Idea 11
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Let me introduce to our heroes.

Not all are done yet, but 7 out of 9 are built. One is in Alpha stage and another one still in concept phase.

1. Leader – Sheriff/Marshall/Judge

Based on Frontliners Leader by Station Forge with a Stormcast Eternal head and a Grey Knights’ Hammer (I’m 90% sure that’s where that bit comes from)

2. Pathfinder

Blindfold and gigantic crossbow, what could possibly go wrong?

Body taken from Feudal Guard by The Makers Cult. Head comes from  the Inquisitorial Agents Kill Team and the enormous crossbow from Infantxii Troopers also by The Makers Cult.

Leader - Sheriff/Marshall/JudgeLeader - Sheriff/Marshall/Judge

3. Champion

Body and sword arm comes from Surrogate Miniatures Crusader model, lantern/brazier from Station Forge’s Frontliners Leader and an Arbites head.


4. Freelance

Oh, this one is my favourite.

What if I replaced an arm with a servo-arm with a ranged weapon?

Actually, what if that servo-arm had an actual hand holding a gun transplanted onto it?

Actually, let’s make it a right hand to deliberately show it’s not his!

Perfection. I couldn’t stop laughing when I was building this guy. Rest of the model is based on previously used Feudal Guard and Frontliners Leader.


5. Chronicle

Just a box-standard Autosavant from Inquisitorial Kill Team. It’s perfect for the role.

6. Legionnaire

My second favourite member of the team. Very simple, but if you’re a person of culture, you’ll recognize who he’s based on.


7. Zealot

Dual chainsword wielding fanatic in a bulky armour and a medieval helmet. Nuff said.

That’s all for now. Paragon is already thought-out, I just need to polish some details to make it realistic (well, you know… at least a bit). A Herold is in early concept stage. I’ve got some some bits I want to use, but can’t make them work togerher at the moment.

Built models are already primed and ready for some colours. I’ll make my best to keep the project updated.


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