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Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry

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Slappin’ paint

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Using contrast paints, I’ve started blocking in broad groups of colour. This is always the stage in a terrain project where things look at their clumsiest. I’m letting the colours bleed into each other a fair bit, allowing the paint to do some of the blending for me. It looks messy, but helps me establish the feel and get that balance of alien world and fantasy jungle.

Once I’m happy with the over-all colours, I’ll then start drybrushing, adding additional washes and picking out details.

Colours I’m using are GW contrast:

  • Gutrippa Flesh
  • Plaguebearer Flesh
  • Aeldari Emerald
  • Nazdreg Yellow
  •  Blood Angels Red
  • Gryph Hound Orange
  • Shyish Purple
  • Skeleton Horde
Slappin’ paint
Slappin’ paint
Slappin’ paint
Slappin’ paint

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