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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Ryuunosuke Saito

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Ryuunosuke Saito

Originally I planned to practice some freehand on the banners, but once I realised the banner had sculpted in stripes and a symbol I realised there wasn’t quite enough space for that.


The skin was painted averland sunset, washed casandora yellow, then highlighted flash gitz yellow.


The blue clothes were painted macragge blue, washed drakkenhoff nightshade, then highlighted altdorf guard blue followed by calgar blue.


The green banners were painted waaagh! flesh, washed beil-tan green, then highlighted warboss green followed by skarsnik green.


The purple cloth strips and hair were painted naggaroth night, washed druchii violet, then highlighted xereus purple followed by genestealer purple.


The red ropes, sandals and banner decorations were painted khorne red, washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted evil sunz scarlet.


The sword blades and banner poles were painted leadbelcher, washed nuln oil, then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.


The bronze was painted screming bell, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted hashut copper follower by sycorax bronze.


The stone for the base was painted mechanicus standard grey and washed nuln oil.


I photographed the model using the John Hodgson Fantasy Backdrops book, which arrived yesterday from the Kickstarter.

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