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6mm Napoleonic (& others) Terrain

6mm Napoleonic (& others) Terrain

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Constructing a "city"

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The following pictures show the approach I made with a larger town/city base.  Basically the technique is the same as previously presented, the only change is to make the base itself more “dramatic” with walls, gatehouses etc.

I will make two larger tiles and three of the smaller tiles for the tabletop.  In addition to a small town, I also made a “farm” tile for variety.

The Town base stippled with greys to present a stonework background for the housesThe Town base stippled with greys to present a stonework background for the houses
Balsa wood painted grey before cutting Balsa wood painted grey before cutting "walls" about 12mm high
City tile with houses attached and some City tile with houses attached and some "grass" areas added
Town tile with additional trees, and base with walls/gates. Doors still to add to the gatesTown tile with additional trees, and base with walls/gates. Doors still to add to the gates
Final City tile with trees added to base and tileFinal City tile with trees added to base and tile
Three tiles so far.Three tiles so far.

We have decided to go on an unexpected holiday the last week of October, so I will only try to present my approach to the woods/forests in this 6mm scale.

In the meantime, happy gaming.

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