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Xenos Rampant

Xenos Rampant

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Painting Cultists

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Painting Cultists

Pretty simple paint scheme here.  Speedpaints 2.0 again.  I love the clotted blood colour of Murder Scene which was perfect for the robes.  I did highlight these with a drybrush of Citadel Foundation Tallarn Flesh.  Skintones were Crusader Skin, gloves Grim Black, boots were a russet brown Dusk Red and weapons were Polished Silver with a Citadel Badab Black wash.  Yellow accessories were a couple of coats of Maise Yellow.  Gold was the green toned Aztec Gold with a highlight of Vallejo Metal Color Gold after the matt varnish.  Weapon blades had a similar highlight of Metal Color Pale Burnt Metal to get them to glint appropriately.

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